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Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13،
number In Volume 11،
issue Number 57
Study of Quranic intertextuality in Maghamat e Hamidi
Abbas Soltanpoor , Hamidreza Farzi (Author in Charge), Ali Dehghan
In the present study, an attempt has been made to extract the Quranic intertextual features in the valuable book of "Maghamat e Hamidi". Items found include 7 intertextual relations included 3 lexical types: " Lexical intertextuality of Constructive Type", " Lexical intertextuality of Borrowing Type" and " Lexical intertextuality of Translation Type" and 4 Text type:"Full textual intertextuality", " Full textual intertextuality influenced by Quran", "Full modulus intertextuality" and "Full modulus intertextuality influenced by Quran". In the types of these intertextual relationships the influence of the terms and sentences of the said book from Muslim Bible concepts and expressions-so has long been a source of inspiration for Muslim literatures and writers- has been examined. Maghamat e hamidi, a great product of commitment writing, there are significant cases of Arabic expressions, among which are many cases of direct and indirect use of Quranic terms and phrases. In this study, -is done precisely with the help of the author"s superficial mastery over the appearance of the Qur"an (the keeper of the Qur"an) and by distinguishing between non-Qur"anic Arabic expressions and mixed Qur"anic Arabic expressions- the influence of the author from the Quran has been determined separately by counting the intertextual cases of the Quran in these types. Finally by compairing the frequency of different types of intertextual relations, it was found that " Lexical intertextuality of Borrowing Type" the highest frequency and "Full modulus intertextuality influenced by Quran" had the least frequency in Maghamat e hamidi.
The Holy Quran
, Maghamat e hamidi
, Lexical intertextuality
, Full textual intertextuality
, Full modulus intertextuality
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